Saturday, December 7, 2013

Getting our tree

We trekked back out on our Christmas tree hunt again this year.  Through the multiple choices  the Christmas tree farm has to offer.

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We never know what type of tree we are looking for we just walk or run to we find the right one.

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The kids just love to run run run and this year luckily it was not snowing but it was pretty darn cold.  Maybe next year Gracie will be able to run along too but for now she was pushed up and down the hills of trees.  She much would have rather been running.

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You would think she would be safer in the stroller but no.  Her dad was pushing her and let go of the stroller on top of a hill to take a picture .  He said he parked it but the next thing I knew was a guy from 200 yards away was screaming to get our attention because the stroller was rolling down the hill.  I was further down it and able to catch our baby who probably thought it was a fun ride.  Luckily she was safe.  It never crashed or tipped over.  Whew.

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This year Gregory was the tagger.  And we finally found our tree.

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Although I don't think that was is actually it, more of a practice tag?

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Ah there it is this one is it!  It is a beautiful concolor fir.

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After we tag it we flag down the woodcutter and he get our tree for us.

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He throws it on his trailer back to the barn where they shake it, to get off all the lose needles and wrap it for easy transportation and putting it up.

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And it is ours.  A beautiful tree for 2013.

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